If you are a chef or restaurant owner this is why you need a Professional Food Photographer.

Let’s face it, we eat with our eyes first. When most people look at a menu, they are more likely to order an item that has an image. People want to see what they are getting.

“But why should I hire a food photographer when I can just rely on my customers and staff to use their smartphone?” you ask……… Let me tell you.

Because they are not food photographers. Professional food photography brings a lot to the table (no pun intended) There are many things to consider when photographing food. Like what angle best showcase the food: flat lay, 45 degrees, or straight on. Or what colours backgrounds will best compliment the food. What light will help show the mood and style of the restaurant. Filters should never be added to be true to the nature of the food prepared.

Here is why food photography is important and how your business can benefit from it on your websites, menu and social media feeds.

Quick Stats

  • Most people remember only 10% of the information they read or hear but add an image to the information and the percentage skyrockets to 65%.

  • The virtual world is on the rise. People are spending more and more time facing their phones. Sad but true. If you add a beautiful mouth watering image to your post, your chance of someone stopping on your feed rises significantly.

Here is why you want to invest in a professional food photo shoot.

MARKETING: Once you have images in your data base, you can use the them in a variety of marketing ways such as: printed on your menu, to use on your website, feature the dishes your chef is famous for on social media, local new paper add, magazine coverage etc. You should add it to your marketing budget at least once or twice a year depending on your menu changes.

EMOTIONS: They say a photo speaks a thousand words. A good photo can triggers emotions. Food photography is no different. Customers should take one look at your food photos and say, “I want that!” not what is that?

A professional food photograph will trigger something in the customer’s subconscious. They’re going to stop scrolling and place an online order, book a table, or simply come in and enjoy your food.

BREAKS DOWN LANGUAGE BARRIERS: Pictures speak for themselves. They appeal to customers from all over the world. Everyone can recognize a delicious-looking meal when they see it, regardless of where they come from.

What are you waiting for…..book your shoot today.


My Salty Sweet Grand Mothers