My Salty Sweet Grand Mothers

French grandmother’s hand written recipe for Raisin Bread

Recently, I came across a collection of recipes that was handed down to my grandmother by one of her Aunts. A collection of recipes from a high school reunion dating back to 1947.

Well, it’s more like I begged and pleaded with my own aunt who allowed me to borrow it.

As I was carefully turning over the delicate pages of this vintage gem, I was happily surprised that on the other side of the type written pages, in my grandmothers’ handwriting, are some of her own recipes that she collected from her sisters, her friends and even her daughters over the years.

While reading them over, I was immediately taken back to my childhood. To the smell of home made bread baking in the oven and the taste of raw molasses cookie dough.

You see, the fondest memories of my childhood were the ones spent with my grandmothers preparing food. My Salty & Sweet Grandmothers.

Salty - Sweet because while one was about the cookies, breads and pies, the other was all about sourcing berries from the earth, fresh eggs from the chicken coops & pulling vegetables from gardens.

It was the best of both worlds.

Vintage collection of recipes from the 1940’s and 1950’s

The nostalgia inspired me to start this blog. I never thought I would hear myself say those words: Starting a blog…….but here I am. I want to preserve these recipes and meals in photographs before the paper from the book disintegrates and they are lost forever.

That said, I have noticed that the recipes written by my grandmother only lists ingredients. There are no instructions. Flash back to my 10 year old self, I remember the instructions were given over a phone call and a cigarette while the ingredients were being collected from the pantry.

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I’ll do my best.


1950’s Simple Strawberry Squares


If you are a chef or restaurant owner this is why you need a Professional Food Photographer.